
The story

An extraordinary young couple with a shared passion

An extraordinary young couple met at a climate protection rally and, through their shared passion for the environment and technology, ushered in a new era in the fight against climate change.

Luna, who comes from a small farming village and grew up with a deep understanding of animal and nature conservation, and Lucas, a techie from the city, have joined forces to save the world.

During the rally, they noticed a group of mysterious people who piqued their interest. The couple decided to follow these people, which led them to a state-of-the-art laboratory of the company CYRESY. Despite their initial attempts to remain unnoticed, they were discovered. But instead of facing legal consequences, the mysterious individuals offered them a unique opportunity: a partnership to implement their ideas and plans to save the world.

CYRESY, known for its innovative technologies and life-saving systems, made its extensive resources available to the couple... they became friends. These include novel vehicles powered by hydrogen or electricity, such as helicopters, buggies and boats, as well as remarkable and novel weapons. These technologies are to be used in the fight against environmental crimes.

The couple (Luna and Lucas) accepted the challenge and used their skills and the high-tech gadgets from CYRESY to save animals and fight illegal resource extraction.

An extraordinary young couple

She, from a small farming village and raised with a deep understanding of animal and nature conservation, and he, a tech freak from the city.

Concept/Entwurf: SZONN & DALL-E
Concept/Entwurf: SZONN & DALL-E


During the rally, they noticed a group of mysterious people who aroused their interest.

Secret partnership

Despite their initial attempts to remain unnoticed, they were discovered. But instead of facing legal consequences, CYRESY offered them a unique partnership.

Concept/Entwurf: SZONN & DALL-E


A production by SZONNGAMES



Hier einige ihrer bemerkenswerten Einsätze:

Concept/Entwurf: SZONN & DALL-E

Level: Mission in Antarctica

Luna and Lucas travel to Antarctica to save polar bears. They caught the animals on ice floes and relocated them to give them a safe future.

Level: Saving Rhinos in Africa

Using advanced vehicles and weapons, they tracked down and arrested poachers to protect the endangered rhinos.

Concept/Entwurf: SZONN & DALL-E
Concept/Entwurf: SZONN & DALL-E

Level: Curbing illegal fishing in the Atlantic

On the high seas, they searched for whalers and illegal fishermen in order to stop their activities and protect marine fauna.

Level: Combating illegal tree felling in the jungle

In a daring mission in the dense jungle, they tracked down illegal tree fellers and arrested their machines in order to preserve the irreplaceable forests.

Concept/Entwurf: SZONN & DALL-E
Concept/Entwurf: SZONN & DALL-E

Level: Forest fires and floods

You fly to forest fires and floods and use very helpful gadgets for this.

Level: Building energy parks

Luna and Lucas master many tricky missions here too. Building and creating energy parks with the H2My modules.

Concept/Entwurf: SZONN & DALL-E
Concept/Entwurf: SZONN & DALL-E
Concept/Entwurf: SZONN & DALL-E


Companies supporting this project:

Making the world a better place together

The collaboration between the young couple and CYRESY is a shining example of how technological innovation and passionate commitment can come together to bring about real change. Their missions show that with courage, determination and the right technology, a more sustainable and safer future is possible.

CYRESY and the young couple are making a strong statement for climate protection and invite anyone interested to join their movement and actively contribute to protecting our planet.

CYRESY is an innovative company in the field of developing technologies and systems that serve to protect and save lives. With a focus on sustainability and environmental awareness, CYRESY is working to make the world a better place through advanced solutions.

Concept/Entwurf: SZONN & DALL-E